About Me

I am a chemist, a teacher, a nutritionist in training, and mother to two children, one with one chromosome more than me, and one without.

The journey of Autism and Down Syndrome has taken me on a parallel journey of nutrition, which has been fun and tumultuous, but also hugely enlightening. I have occasionally called this a battle, but it really is a very unique journey - one that I would not have missed for the world.

I am hugely interested in the validation (or invalidation as the case may be) of traditional diets and medicine forms by current research (and sometimes anecdotal information).

Email me at vishlist.blog@gmail.com


Laura said...

Hello. Thank you for your site. I found your article about Ayurveda and GAPS diet very fascinating! I have been studying Ayurveda for the past 2 years and a vegetarian for the latter half of my life. I am very drawn to traditional wisdom, healing practices and nutritional foods. When I became pregnant, I felt intuitively compelled to eat meat. My mother had raised us on meat and from her background (Morocco), meat was vital for a healthy baby. In writing that, my mother had a baby (my brother, may he rest in peace), who was born with a chromosomal disorder called Preder Willlie Syndrome. He passed away at the age of 31. Now I also struggle with being veg or following a traditional diet with some meat. I send you lots of love on your journey with your sons and wish you strength. I wish for them to be happy and healthy. -Laura

Anonymous said...

ayurveda is not completely vegetarian. you are totally mistaken that ayurveda is not completely vegetarian. vegetarian diet lack more absorable form of protein such as l-carniose and creatine. non veg diet is not perfect diet as it lack variety of antioxidants and fibre which vegetarina diet has. ayurveda recommend fish fat and sea animals for vata. vata specially refer to brain disease. this is complete myth that ayurveda is totally vegetarian. ayurveda said that one should not eat meat in hot days as it is too hot. sea animals has omega 3 which is good for brain. in ayurveda , it is also said that fish meat is good for brain. you should refer to charak samhita for knowing true ayurveda.